Job Listing

Interpreter Development Coordinator

Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind
7654 N. 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ, 85021
October 23, 2024
Jennifer Scarboro
Phone: 480.625.6359, Voice
Phone: 602.551.8582, VP
Job Description:
The Interpreter Development Coordinator at Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB) reports to the Director of Deaf Programs and enhances educational interpreters' skills. Key responsibilities include: - Supporting Lead Educational Interpreters - Mentoring and providing feedback statewide - Creating and delivering training sessions - Offering practice opportunities aligned with Professional Improvement Plans - Assessing performance and setting goals - Managing new hire screenings - Overseeing intern practicums - Facilitating statewide professional gatherings - Assisting in training and recruiting public interpreters - Providing interpreting services as needed. AZ Interpreting License Required BA degree required (in related field) Mentoring/Instructional experience preferred
How to Apply:
Go to direct link and apply online: