ACDHH Deaf Specialists strive to provide advocacy for Deaf consumers ensuring communication accessibility, while working with other agencies and organizations to increase and expand opportunities and improve the quality of life for people with hearing loss.  To find out more about what services ACDHH Deaf Specialists can provide for you, please visit Deaf Services & Communication.

Meet ACDHH's Deaf Specialist:

Kim Minard with ACDHH

Things we have done...

  • Deaf Self-Advocacy Trainings (DSAT)
  • Emergency Evacuation Drill & Exercises
  • Domestic Violence Training
  • Mental Health Training
  • Healthcare Provider Curriculum Trainings
  • Public Safety Curriculum Trainings

If you have questions, need information and/or resources please contact the ACDHH front desk by email, phone or videophone:

[email protected]

602-542-3323 Voice

480-559-9441 VideoPhone

If you need advocacy and/or consultation, contact our Deaf Specialist, Kim Minard, by email or VP. 

Kim Minard can be reached at [email protected] or by VP at 480-360-1148.