711 Information
7-1-1 is the national number used for accessing relay services. Using 7-1-1 makes the process of placing relay calls more efficient, plus it’s easy to remember -- all you have to do is dial a three-digit number! So, whether you’re calling from within Arizona, or from another state while away on vacation, you can simply dial 7-1-1 and connect with relay. When calling from within Arizona, you will connect with AZRS. If you are in another state, you will be connected to that state’s specific relay service provider.
Please note that 7-1-1 is NOT an emergency number and should not be confused with 9-1-1 for emergency calls. In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1 directly to get help fast.
About calling 7-1-1 through a PBX
A Private Branch Exchange (PBX) is telephone equipment, generally located within a business through which internal and external calls are processed, similar to a local telephone company switchboard. In addition to businesses where phones are located in separate offices, hotels and some housing facilities use a PBX. Calls made from a location with a PBX first go through the PBX, then to the local telephone company, and then on to the relay center. Most PBXs have been programmed to recognize 7-1-1 and send calls to the local telephone company.However, if you live or work in a place where you are not able to dial 7-1-1, it is probably because the PBX in that location needs to be reprogrammed. The telecommunications or PBX manager for your location is the person who can reprogram the PBX. Contact that person and explain that the PBX needs to be reprogrammed to recognize 7-1-1. If you have any questions or problems with this procedure, please let us know by filling out the AZRS Contact Form here, or by contacting AZRS Customer Service at 1-800-347-1695 (TTY) or 1-866-259-1768 (voice).
AZRS Relay Customer Profile
A Relay Customer Profile (RCP) allows you to summarize your call preferences which display to the Communication Assistant (CA) every time a call is placed or received at the number associated with your profile. Without having to describe your preferences each time you call, you connect to AZRS fast since all your preferences are available to the CA automatically! Having a Customer Profile also allows you to personalize your greeting, specify your long distance provider, create a list of speed-dial numbers and more. There is no charge to set up your personalized Customer Profile.To establish a Customer Profile, visit https://tmobileiprelay.com/auth/login or contact AZRS Customer Service at 1-800-347-1695 (TTY) or 1-866-259-1768 (voice).
Call Flow for 7-1-1
When you dial 7-1-1, your call goes to your local telephone company’s switch for routing instructions. The switch "sees" 7-1-1 and automatically routes the call to the AZRS Call Center for processing.
Below are some examples of proper etiquette for TTY calls.
- When calling TTY users, let the phone ring at least 7 or more times before hanging up. Many deaf and hard of hearing TTY users rely on flashing lights to alert them to ringing phones. Flashers can take longer than sound to attract attention.
- Callers should identify themselves at the beginning of calls. Any other people who may be watching the conversation also should be identified.
- Callers should use the standard abbreviations of GA, Q, HD, and SK.
- Always tell TTY users when calls are going to be put on "hold" or transferred.
- When TTY users type "Can you read me?" they want to know if the message is clear and without garbled letters and numbers. If the message is garbled, hit the space bar a few times. If this does not clear up the message, both parties should hang up and try the call again.
Can I save the TTY paper print-out?
If you keep it, you should have the other person's knowledge and consent. This is similar to a hearing person's phone conversation being recorded. Therefore, it may be an unethical invasion of privacy and illegal if the other person doesn't know you're keeping the paper print-out. TTY print-outs may be used as admissible evidence in the courtroom. If there is important information on the print-out such as a date, address or phone #, copy it and then destroy the TTY print-out.
- ABT-About
- ANS-Answer
- ASAP-As soon as possible
- ASST-Assistant
- BIZ-Business
- CA-Communication Assistant (Relay Operator)
- CC-Close-captioned
- CD-Could
- CHK-Check
- CMTY-Community
- CN-Can
- COLL-College
- CSTMR--Customer
- CTR—Center
- CUL-See you later
- GA-Go ahead
- GA TO SK-Go ahead if you have more to say but I'm finished
- GOVT-Government
- HAND-Have a nice day
- HD-Hold
- HLTH-Health
- HOH or HH-hard-of-hearing
- HOSP--Hospital
- INFO-Information
- ILY-I love you
- IMPT-important
- KIT -Keep in touch
- LK FRWD-Look forward
- LTR-Letter
- LV-Leave
- MIN-Minute
- MSG-Message
- MTG-Meeting
- N-And
- NBR or NU-Number
- NITE-Night
- NP-No Problem
- NOYB-None of your business
- NTID-National Technical Institute for the Deaf
- OIC-Oh I see
- OFC-Office
- OC-Open-captioned
- OPR-Operator
- OXOX-Love and Kisses
- PRGM--Program
- PLS-Please
- PPL-People
- PROB-Problem
- PRO-Professional
- Q-Question
- R-Are
- RD-Read
- REC-Receive
- SCHL-School
- SPEC-Special
- SRVC or SVC or SERV-Service
- SHD -Should
- SK-Stop Keying (end of call)
- SKSK-Hanging Up
- TERP—Interpreter
- THX-Thanks
- TRS-Telecommunications Relay Service
- TY-Thank you
- TMW-Tomorrow
- U-You UR-Your
- URS-Yours
- HCO-Hearing Carry Over (Relay Service)
- VCO-Voice Carry Over (Relay Service)
- XX--Error
AZRS users have enjoyed true Caller ID, something that brings relay service closer to the equivalent of telephone service available to the general public.
What is true Caller ID?
If you have Caller ID service, you will see on your Caller ID box the number and, if available, the name of the person calling you through AZRS. Similarly, if you call someone through AZRS, your telephone number and, if available, your name will show on their Caller ID box. True Caller ID also preserves any special call features, such as call blocking.
What are the benefits of Caller ID?
When you are away from home and someone tries to reach you through AZRS, you will see the caller's telephone number displayed on your Caller ID box. This way, you will know who tried to call and can return the call using AZRS.
What should I know about Caller ID?
True Caller ID works the same way as if you dialed directly to the person you want to call. If you subscribe to "Caller ID blocking," your telephone number will NOT be sent to the person you are calling through AZRS.
Also, if you subscribe to Caller ID blocking and if the person you are calling through AZRS subscribes to "Anonymous Call Rejection," your call will not be accepted by that person. Anonymous call rejection is a way for people to refuse unwanted calls that appear on the Caller ID display as private or anonymous. The telephone of the person you are calling through AZRS will not ring, and you will get a message instructing you to temporarily unblock your telephone number if you want to call them. In this case, you will need to temporarily unblock your telephone number by pressing *82**, and then dialing the AZRS number. Your telephone number will remain temporarily unblocked until you hang up.
How do you get Caller ID service?
To subscribe to Caller ID, or for more information and/or instructions on how to use Caller ID, please contact your local phone company.
** Some local telephone companies may use a different number for temporarily unblocking telephone numbers; please check with your local telephone company if you have a problem unblocking your telephone number with *82.
Relay users have many different ways to utilize conference calling capabilities when making a relay call. Conference features can be utilized when using traditional relay. These features can be accessed in a variety of ways and can be used by both voice relay users and relay users who use a text telephone or other type of assistive device. All users can participate in a conference call by either initiating the call or by participating in it via a conference bridge or telephone number or other conferencing features on their telephone. Some companies offer conference services at no charge.
Traditional Relay
There are many options in which traditional relay users can utilize conference capabilities. This feature can be used on either the originating end of the call or the terminating end of the conversation, whichever fits the needs of the particular user.
Conference Calling - TTY Relay Users
- TTY user calls the relay and then conferences in a second relay user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- TTY user receives a call from the relay and then conferences in a second relay user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- TTY user calls a conference bridge or telephone number to participate in a conference call
Conference Calling - Voice Relay Users
- Voice user calls the relay and conferences in another voice user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- Voice user receives a call from the relay and then conferences in another person using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
Conference Calling - VCO Relay Users
- VCO user calls the relay and then conferences in a second relay user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- VCO user receives a call from the relay and conferences in a second relay user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- VCO user calls a conference bridge or telephone number to participate in a conference call
Conference Calling - HCO Relay Users
- HCO user calls the relay and then conferences in a second relay user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- HCO user receives a call from the relay and conferences in a second relay user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- HCO user calls a conference bridge or telephone number to participate in a conference call
Conference Calling - Speech-to-Speech Relay Users
- Speech to Speech user calls the relay and then conferences in a second relay user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- Speech to Speech user receives a call from the relay and conferences in a second relay user using a three way calling feature from his/her LEC
- Speech to Speech user calls a conference bridge or telephone number to participate in a conference call
From international calling to directory assistance, AZRS allows you to make a variety of special calls to get in touch with the people you need to contact—and get the information you need.
911 Emergency Calls
In an emergency, call 9-1-1 or your local emergency service TTY number directly, without using the relay. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that 911 centers have TTYs and be prepared to handle emergency calls placed in this manner. Should you decide to use AZRS to place an emergency call, they will make every effort to assist you in an emergency. However, it is important to understand that relay centers are not 911 center and do not assume responsibility for emergency calls.
Directory Assistance
AZRS will relay calls between TTY uses and directory assistance operators. To find a number, ask the CA to dial directory assistance. At the beginning of the call, give the CA as much information as possible including area code, city and state if possible.
Placing relay calls through pay phones
By order of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), relay providers are required to assist with calls made from coin-operated public pay phones.
Calls made from a pay phone are free. Just dial 7-1-1 (or the toll free TTY number for the relay in your state) and provide the CA with the number you wish to call.
International calling
AZRS offers international calling through the relay—to any place in the world. Before you place your relay call, please ensure that the person you will be contacting speaks English. (In some states, Spanish-to-Spanish and English-to-Spanish relay is available) If English is not spoken by the person you are calling, the call may not be able to be placed as AZRS does not have foreign language interpreters.
Click HERE to create a Customer Profile for non-Speech to Speech Calls.