TTY Users
Did you know that you can connect with the Arizona Relay Service on your smartphone?
Yes! Whether a hearing or speech challenge, or both, you have traditional TTY accessibility in the palm of your hand. On an iPhone, you can go into Settings > Accessibility > RTT/TTY > turn on RTT/TTY and you are ready to go. When you dial any phone number, three options will come up. You can just make a normal call, or you can make a call to someone else with this feature enabled, OR you can choose the RTT/TTY Relay option. When the RELAY (AZRS) option is chosen, your communication is unlimited. Give it a try! You can even call AzTEDP for practice! You may get a staff live, or you can leave a message. If you leave a message, be sure that you mention in your message for the person to call you back through 711. The real human Calling Assistants can guide if needed.
The other most common way to connect to the Arizona Relay Service is via a TTY allowing you to type your messages and read the other person’s responses.
A TTY (or text telephone) device includes a keyboard for typing your side of the conversation—and a screen on which the other person’s responses appear, which are typed by the Communication Assistant (CA).
When making a teletypewriter (TTY) call, either the Voice or TTY user may dial 7-1-1. The TTY user can dial 1-800-367-8939 for a direct connection with the AZRS TTY service.
An AZRS communication assistant (CA) will answer like this:
You answer with the number you want to call, also giving them the extension if necessary:
Pls call 602-555-1234 GA
Pls call 602-555-1234 x345 GA
The communication assistant will then dial the number, informing you of the call process as they connect your call:
DIALING 602-444-1234 RINGING 1... RINGING 2... RINGING 3...
When the call is answered, the communication assistant will begin relaying your call.
The communication assistant will explain AZRS to the other person if they are unfamiliar with the relay service.
Your call is now connected. The communication assistant will then relay the call between yourself and your party; typing the standard phone user's spoken words to the TTY user and then voicing the TTY user's text back to the standard phone user.
Remember to end each exchange with "GA" (Go-Ahead). This is a turn-taking cue that informs both the communication assistant and your party when to respond.
When you are ready to end your conversation, say:
"SK" (Stop Keying)
Click here for more information on TTY etiquette.
For computers and TTYs to communicate with each other, each device must be properly set. Following is a list of setting for various combinations of devices.
PC and TTY
Personal computer users can call the relay center (which has Hayes compatible modems) by using the following configuration:
- 300 or 1200 Baud (if you have a choice, use 300)
- 8 bit ASCII Code
- No parity
- 1 stop bit
- Half duplex
- No X-modes required (no flow control)
- No terminal emulation or TTY emulation
- Dialing timeout at longest possible time, infinity preferred
- Local Echo ON (may be called "Echo Typed Characters Locally")
NOTE: Not all TTY’s have ASCII capability. Make sure the TTY you want connected with your PC has this capability.
- 300 Baud
- 8 bit ASCII Code
- No parity
- Half duplex
PC and Baudot TTY
A specialized modem with Baudot capability is required. PC settings will be dictated by the PC software being used.
NOTE: Voice Carry Over (VCO) and Hearing Carry Over (HCO) cannot be used with ASCII—except when using 2-line versions of these calls.
When making an American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) call, please dial: 1-888-842-3372
An AZRS communication assistant (CA) will answer like this:
You answer with the number you want to call, also giving them the extension if necessary:
Pls call 602-555-1234 GA
Pls call 602-555-1234 x345 GA
The communication assistant will then dial the number, informing you of the call process as they connect your call:
DIALING 602-444-1234 RINGING 1... RINGING 2... RINGING 3...
When the call is answered, the communication assistant will begin relaying your call.
The communication assistant will explain AZRS to the other person if they are unfamiliar with the relay service.
Your call is now connected. The communication assistant will then relay the call between yourself and your party; typing the standard phone user's spoken words to the TTY user and then voicing the TTY user's text back to the standard phone user.
Remember to end each exchange with "GA" (Go-Ahead). This is a turn-taking cue that informs both the communication assistant and your party when to respond. When you are ready to end your conversation, say "SK" (Stop Keying).
More natural conversation at full speed
AZRS offers Ultratec Turbo Code TTY devices to eligible relay users. This feature allows you to send information at the same speed at which it is typed. Parties can also interrupt each other, resulting in a more natural flow of conversation.
Interrupt Feature
Don’t want to wait for the CA to type a long recording? With the Turbo Code interrupt feature on your TTY, you can easily interrupt the CA’s typing and get on with your conversation.
Please check with the manufacturer to see if your TTY has the Turbo Code interrupt feature. Turbo Code is included at no charge on all Ultratec TTY units.
How to use Turbo Code Interrupt feature
TTY, VCO and HCO users who are connected in Turbo Code are able to use their interrupt feature with relay. You can use the interrupt feature to stop the CA from typing a long recording or use it to interrupt the person you are talking with.
Voice users cannot interrupt the TTY/VCO user because it causes garbling.
Turbo Code must be turned on for the interrupt function to work. Turbo Code is automatically turned on, so if you don’t want it to function, you will need to turn it off manually.
If your TTY is a Pro 80 model, press the "Interrupt" button to interrupt the CA’s typing. If your TTY does not have this button, press CRTL I on your keyboard to interrupt the CA.
When you use the Interrupt function, wait for the CA to type: (CA HERE) GA. It is very important to wait for the CA to acknowledge your interrupt and give you the GA. If you don’t, the conversation will garble. The CA will inform the other party that you are interrupting and will ask the person to hold.
Be sure there is conversation coming across your TTY screen when you interrupt the CA’s typing. If there is no text being transmitted across your TTY screen, the CA cannot see that you are interrupting.