Frequently Asked Questions

Glossary and Terms

As you travel your individual journeys of raising your Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deafblind child, you may encounter several different acronyms or terms that you may not be familiar with.  Please reference our parent glossary and terms that will provide clarification for you.

AAC- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device

ACDHH- Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing

ACDL- Arizona Center for Disability Law

ADE- Arizona Department of Education

ADP- Auditory Processing Disorder

ADHS- Arizona Department of Health Services

AHCCCS- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

ALTCS- Arizona Long Term Care System

ASL- American Sign Language

AT- Assistive Technology

AUD- An audiologist is a doctor that specializes in testing the hearing of infants and children and the recommendation of hearing devices

AZEIP- Arizona Early Intervention Program

AZHV- Arizona Hands and Voices

ASDB- Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind

AZDB- Arizona Deaf Blind Project

AZTAP- Arizona Technology Access Program

AZTEDP- Arizona Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program

BAHA- Bone Anchored Hearing Aid

BTE- Behind the Ear Hearing Aid

CART- Communication Access Realtime Translation

CI- Cochlear Implant

CMV- Cytomegalovirus

CRS- Children’s Rehabilitation Services

CVHL- Combined Vision and Hearing Loss

D- Deaf

DB- DeafBlind

DDD- Division of Developmental Disabilities

DME- Durable Medical Equipment

DV- Desert Voices

EHDI- Early Hearing Detection and Intervention

ENT- A doctor who specializes in conditions of the ear, nose and throat

FBC- Foundation for Blind Children

HA- Hearing Aid

HH- Hard of Hearing

IEP- Individual Education Plan

IFSP- Individual Family Service Plan

OT- Occupational Therapy/ist

PCH- Phoenix Children’s Hospital

PT- Physical Therapy/ist

RSK- Raising Special Kids

SLP- Speech Language Pathology/ist

SSI- Supplemental Security Income

VR- Vocational Rehabilitation Services


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